…a note becomes sound, a chord becomes a spectral complex, and rhythm transforms into a wave of unexpected duration. (Gérard Grisey)
Developed in the 1970s, the essential idea of spectralism is the creation of a new way of structuring the music by exploring the sound, its frequency, texture and timbre. PHACE presents the microtonally enriched, vivid and mysterious sound worlds of, most prominently, Tristan Murail and Jonathan Harvey. Using electronic media, the sonic researches of Georg Friedrich Haas and the new piece of Christof Dienz will complete the program.
Christof Dienz (*1968)
Der Fliegende – concert piece for clarinet, voice, ensemble and electronics, 2017
commissioned by PHACE & ORF musikprotokoll im steirischen herbst
Jonathan Harvey (1939-2012)
Scena for violin and ensemble, 1992
Georg Friedrich Haas (*1953)
Ein Schattenspiel for piano and live electronics, 2014
Tristan Murail (*1947)
Liber Fulguralis for ensemble and electronics, 2008