Ensemble – Electronics
HCMF, Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival,
Bates Mill Blending Shed
Friday, 24.11.2017 – 22:00h
HCMF, Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival,
Bates Mill Blending Shed
Friday, 24.11.2017 – 22:00h
Lars Mlekusch
Laura J. Bowler, voice
Michael Krenn, saxophone
Doris Nicoletti, flute
Walter Seebacher, clarinet
Reinhard Zmölnig, horn
Spiros Laskaridis, trumpet
Bernhard Rainer, trombone
Berndt Thurner, percussion
Mathilde Hoursiangou, piano
Ivana Pristasova, violin
Roland Schueler, cello
Maximilian Ölz, double bass
Hsin-Huei Huang, keyboard
Felix Pöchhacker, electric guitar
Alfred Reiter, sound
This autumn, PHACE plays their debut at the HCMF, the most important festival for contemporary music in England (Huddersfield).
The diverse program includes our classic DW 24 “Loops for Al Jourgensen” for solo saxophone and ensemble by Austrian composer Bernhard Lang, who sketches an electro-acoustic portrait of Al Jourgensen, founder and head of the Industrial-Band Ministry. A hyper-virtuous solo part for saxophone (Michael Krenn) quotes mainly two musicians: Eric Dolphy und Evan Parker.
Moreover, the British premiere of used redux by Jorge Sanchez-Chiong and the world premiere of the new composition by British composer Laura J. Bowler will be presented.
Bernhard Lang
DW 24 “Loops for Al Jourgensen” (2013/14)
for saxophone solo & ensemble (British premiere)
commissioned by PHACE and Wiener Konzerthaus
Jorge Sánchez-Chiong
used redux for ensemble, electronics and video (2012) (British premiere)
Video by TE -R
Thomas Wagensommerer
Louise Linsenbolz
Laura J. Bowler
FFF for voice and ensemble with electronics and video (2017) (World premiere)
commissioned by BBC in cooperation with PHACE
Tickets £17 (£14 concession / online)
book ticket online
PHACE ist erstmals zu Gast in Huddersfield beim wichtigsten britischen Festival für zeitgenössische Musik. Mit im Gepäck: DW 24 “Loops for Al Jourgensen” für Saxophon solo und Ensemble von Bernhard Lang, Used Redux von Jorge Sánchez-Chiong und die Uraufführung von Fight (not Flight) von Laura J. Bowler für Stimme, Ensemble, Elektronik und Video. Lars Mlekusch, der 2014 als Saxophonist DW24 uraufgeführt hat, steht erstmals am Dirigentenpult von PHACE.
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