Voice – Ensemble
13.Jun. 2017 // 19:30
Wiener Konzerthaus, Berio-Saal
PHACE Series 16/17 – N°4
13.Jun. 2017 // 19:30
Wiener Konzerthaus, Berio-Saal
PHACE Series 16/17 – N°4
Simeon Pironkoff
Isabel Pfefferkorn
Sylvie Laxroix, flute
Reinhold Brunner, clarinet
Mathilde Hoursiangou, piano
Berndt Thurner, perc & vibraphone
Alex Lipowski, perc & xyl & mba
Harry Demmer, percussion
Ivana Pristasova, viola
Rafal Zalech, violo
Alexandra Dienz, double bass
Michael Öttl, guitar
Felix Pöchhacker, electric guitar
Pierre Boulez passed away on the 5th of January 2016. „If you don’t question yourself every day, life has no meaning“ he once remarked. And indeed he managed to follow this maxim in making music, be it as a composer or a conductor. It is therefore this ‚mantra’ of his, that we chose to characterize our cycle. As a tribute to this uncompromising and revolutionary composer and conductor, who greatly contributed in giving the 20th century a musical profile, we will perform his nine part cycle Le marteau sans maître based on poems by René Char and scored for alto voice and six instrumentalists. A much admired and unique composition, it was to be his breakthrough as a composer at the Donaueschingen festival of 1955. In memory of and as a hommage to Pierre Boulez, we have also invited several internationally renowned composers to set short reflexions of theirs on his work to music. Simeon Pironkoff is going to take over the musical direction of this highly complex work. Isabel Pfefferkorn is going to make her debute as an alto this evening.
Pierre Boulez – Le Marteau sans maître (1953/1955) 35‘
for alto and six instruments
avant „l’Artisanat furieux“
Commentaire I de „Bourreaux de solitude“
„l’Artisanat furieux“
Commentaire II de „Bourreaux de solitude“
„Bel édifice et les pressentiments“ version première
„Bourreaux de solitude“
après „l’Artisanat furieux“
Commentaire III de „Bourreaux de solitude“
„Bel édifice et les pressentiments“ double
Alessandro Baticci
L´Artisanat furieux for electric guitar, floor-tom and contrabass, 2017 (UA)
Ivan Fedele
for vibraphone and piano, 2017 (UA)
Luca Francesconi
Sans for ensemble, 2017 (UA)
Alexandra Karastoyanova-Hermentin
Letrei for ensemble, 2017 (UA)
Helmut Oehring
MARTEAU [bu’lɛz]
miniature for alto and instrumental ensemble on Boulez’ ‘Le Marteau sans maître’, 2016 (UA)
Eva Reiter
Masque de Fer for voice and four instruments, 2017 (UA)
Iris ter Schiphorst
Make him talk!
to ‘après „l’artisanat furieux“’ – of ‘Le Marteau sans maître’, VII – 2017 (UA)
for flute, vibraphone, guitar and sampler, hammer
Gerhard E. Winkler
Boulez -Samba
of: Anamorph VII (Alte Meister), 2017 (UA)
for alto flute, xylorimba, percussion and viola
All premieres are commissioned by PHACE & Wiener Konzerthaus
Pre-Sale for single tickets (2017) at the
Wiener Konzerthaus starts at Dec 9, 2016
"Wenn man sich nicht jeden Tag infrage stellt, hat das Leben keinen Sinn", sagte Pierre Boulez einst. Als Hommage an diesen kompromisslosen und revolutionären Komponisten und Dirigenten, führen wir seinen neunteiligen Zyklus Le marteau sans maitre nach Gedichten von René Char, für Altstimme und sechs Instrumentalisten auf.
Im Andenken und als Hommage an Pierre Boulez haben wir zudem mehrere bedeutende internationale Komponisten und Komponistinnen (Fedele, Reiter, Schiphorst, Winkler, Oehring u.a.) eingeladen, in Auseinandersetzung mit seinem Schaffen kurze Reflexionen zu komponieren.